Maintenance Tips For A CNC Machine

When you find yourself in charge of the workings of a CNC machine, you are going to want to know as much about the maintenance of it as you can. This way, you will stay protected and the machine will continue to function as it should for a very long time.

Things To Do Every Day

You need to use a daily maintenance checklist to keep your CNC machine operating efficiently One of the things you will want to do each day is to check the level of the hydraulic fluids. If they are low, you will need to refill them until they are at the correct level for proper operations. For the CNC machines that have a cooling system, you will need to ensure that the unit is at the correct level for operation. Then there is some daily cleaning that will need to be done. Clean the door window and the light on the machine. This is to make it easier for you to see in there. You will also want to wipe off all covers before lubricating them with some quality hydraulic fluid for smooth operations.

Things To Do Twice A Year

There are some things that need your attention at least twice a year. The coolant tank is going to need to be cleaned out of all of the oil, chips, and basic sludge that is building up in there. The jaws will need to be removed from the CNC machine, cleaned, inspected, and then put back on. You will also need to keep the hydraulic oil as fresh as possible by draining the tank and replacing the oil with a fresh supply. At that time, you need to change out the suction and line filter. Clean, inspect, and replace any old of damaged wipers as well. It can be hard to remember to do these things off the top of your head. Therefore, marking the tasks on a calendar will help.

When you make sure to do those maintenance tips, you will be sure to have a CNC machine that is going to last for as long as possible. You will only have to buy another one in the near future if you are trying to expand your operations. Should you need help to make sure that all of the maintenance steps are taken, you will want to create a check list for yourself. You could also designate some of this work to be done by a trustworthy employee.

For more information, you may want to get in touch with a company such as Aero Mechanism Precision.

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Learning About Automotive Manufacturing

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